Q: I was rear-ended by another driver and their insurance company is ready to settle but I am still in pain. Should I go ahead and settle?

A:  It is very common for the at-fault driver's insurance company to try to get you to settle your claim as quickly as possible and for as little as possible.  All drivers in Missouri are required to have a minimum of $25,000 per person in liability coverage for injuries, but it is in the insurance company's best interest to try to settle your injury claim for far less than this minimum amount.  This is why you need an experienced attorney to fight for you while you concentrate on making a full recovery.

Unlike the large law firms, at the Geib Law Group you will never be just another client file to us.  Your injuries, no matter how small, are a big deal and we care about you and your recovery.  With us, you will never have to wonder what's going on with your case.  We pride ourselves in keeping our clients up-to-date on any development in their case.

The Geib Law Group works on a contingency fee basis meaning that if you don't recover, we don't get paid.  We will pay for all costs associated with pursuing your injury claim and unless you receive a settlement, you will never be responsible for reimbursement of these costs.  This means you have zero risk in hiring us to represent you to get the maximum financial recovery.

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